cloud-no9 on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

cloud-no9's avatar

Cloud Brushes ver.1



Some fluffy clouds for comic-like deviations! :aww:

Edit: I'm afraid the free hosting service deleted my brushes file! :pissedoff: Please use the Download link for the corresponding abr file. I really apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Note: These brushes were made with Photoshop CS2. For Photoshop 7.0 or older please see this [link]

Use: You may use them as you like! Perhaps a credit/link back to this page would be rather nice so that I will :+fav: and collect your deviation/s! :D

Edit: A good example for this brush set is my journal header image for "More... DA! :D" Check it out!

If you like this set of brushes you may want to check out the following:
:bulletblue: Cloud Brushes ver.2
:bulletblue: Cloud Brushes ver.3 as well!

:bulletred: Stroke Edition - Cloud Brushes ver.1
:bulletred: Stroke Edition - Cloud Brushes ver.2 Pending
:bulletred: Stroke Edition - Cloud Brushes ver.3 Pending
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PsdDude's avatar

You can find more free cloud brushes and cloud PNG images here:

--> Cloud Brushes Photoshop

--> Cloud PNG Images
